Time goes by so quick and it's only three days into the New Year, but I feel like before I know it, we're going to be well into 2016! Many people are getting ready to go back to work after having some time off for the holidays...me included. While I could always use a few more days off, I guess I'm good and ready to get back into work again - and my Karl agenda is going to help me stay on top of my schedule : ) Yes, I know I have a calendar on outlook, but that only helps me keep track of work stuff - and as one of my New Year's resolutions is to be more consistent with my blog updates and product more artwork and designs, I kind of need a way to track this activity and obviously very excited that Karl has produced this agenda. I would have known such a thing existed, but being the saavy internet shopper I am, I find that googling search terms of things you love will nearly always produce a something to buy...whether that's a good or a bad thing is your call, haha....
If you are interested in getting one as well, you can find it at Neiman Marcus:
And of course, always check Amazon...good chance of finding pretty much anything there too if you know the right search terms!